Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Re-arranging the arrangements

The decision - based on finances and practicalities - has been made to relocate the house site and the barns and the milk shed and the pastures.

Of course, this is not to scale or accurate in any real sense of the word, but it gives the general impression of what we're after. This will put the houses, barns, gardens and water within relatively easy reach of the electric and water. Our original plan - which was much nicer, I think - had the houses and studios scattered to the four corners and gone. we would have had better views, but the cost and time in running water lines and power lines to those locations would have been astronomical!

Sometimes, common sense and comfort (and finances) have to take center stage and tell your fantasies to take a hike.

That's the big picture though. In the meantime, we're moving "The Dinosaur " (a large tent whose legs and top look like a giant fossilized skeleton when the tarp isn't on it) to the front of Midas (do you remember Midas, the RV?). We're going to cat-proof the dinosaur so 'Lena can move out there. Jen and I will be moving into the camper trailer. This will free up a lot of room in the shop and with any luck that'll make us a little more productive!

To prepare for this smaller undertaking - Woo Hoo! A task that looks doable in a short period of time - we disassembled the kid pen and moved it over to the end of the barn, constructed a milk goat corral, and moved the milk stand between last night and this morning. not related, but we also reinvented a section of the horse's pasture to prevent them from escaping or injuring themselves - some of the fencing we had put in didn't stand up to the horse's scratching themselves on the poles.

Tonight, we'll likely construct the rest of the milk shed - a series of slab-based panels for short walls / gates and a tarp for a roof, move the grain storage shed (our old reliable Transporter that hasn't worked the same since we got out here), move the dinosaur, and start on the cat-proof fencing.

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