Monday, August 20, 2007

Cool, rainy, new Angora Buck

This morning it is cool (about 85 degrees) and raining off and on.
The new little angora buckling is doing well, eating lots and flirting with the sheep. We settled on Caramel Cappucino for a name. He is such a poof. I think we'll move the doelings in with him this afternoon.

We only have 3 angora does right now. Their names are Acacia, Beige and Bramble. But we'll have Cappucino freshen the milk does for us and perhaps, if he's still got the energy, he can stand to a few outside does this year.

We wormed all three llamas with Strongid yesterday. Kermit is still not doing well, his belly is distended, we gave him an enema last night.

The horses are doing great, their hooves look good. They are getting 3 flakes bermuda grass hay am and pm and 1/2 can Stock 12 morning and night. We'll worm them with Strongid this week.

Sheep seem to be gaining, since we sold the 6 ewes and 6 lambs to Mona and we started them on the new grain. We'll worm them and the goats with the garlic prep this week.

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